The Top 3 Emails You Need To Promote Your Retreat

The Top 3 Emails You Need To Promote Your Retreat

When it comes to marketing your retreat, things can sometimes get confusing or overwhelming. Marketing can feel sticky, like "I don't want to bombard people with a bunch of retreat promo."

People always ask me: 

"What’s the best way to promote my retreat?“

“What retreat marketing strategies should I focus on?”

I always remind my clients that we need to focus on "low-hanging fruit" strategies that work vs. the new flashy marketing strategies we hear about out there.

Your email list is the low-hanging fruit that is highly effective when marketing your retreat.

Having an email list full of potential clients is the best way to fill your retreat.

Contrary to what you may think, your list doesn't have to be huge to successfully promote your retreat and other offerings, but you want to have a list full of your ideal clients.

When promoting your retreat to your email list, you want to focus on crafting a good email campaign to share with your list once you are ready to launch your retreat.

A retreat email campaign is simply a set of 5–20 emails dedicated to helping educate your potential clients about the benefits of your retreats and encourage them to join you.

The number of emails depends on your retreat and the content you have to share. A more extended campaign can be more difficult to craft and is usually good for those with some experience writing email marketing copy.

The important thing is to find what works best for you are your subscribers. 

Your email campaign should not be repetitive or boring, but rather a good mix of different content that conveys your retreat message. 

You also want to be creative and personal in your emails so that it feels less like a promo email and more like a personal and friendly invitation to your retreat.

Before you feel stuck or overwhelmed, wondering what emails you should send… I got you!

Here are the TOP 3 emails you should absolutely include in your retreat email marketing campaign. This will help you craft a super successful retreat promo.


"The Retreat Promise Email"

If you've been around for a while, you know I talk a lot about clearly understanding the benefits your retreat promises your clients. I call this your "Retreat Promise."

Defining your retreat promise is one of the key aspects of your message and marketing and what helps you create retreats that stand out in the crowded market of retreats.

In short, your retreat promise is the benefits, outcomes, and results your clients will experience by attending your retreat. 

Your retreat promise goes hand in hand with the needs and desires of your specific ideal retreat clients. Ask yourself, "What are the pain points, needs, and desires my potential clients have that I can help solve or improve with my retreat offer?

In the Retreat Promise Email, you are laying out the benefits and results you are promising your clients. Your email needs to communicate the following:

  • The needs/desires you are helping them with (what are they struggling with that you can support them with?)

  • The results they can expect from your retreat (bullet point the top results and outcomes you promise)

  • What they will walk away "feeling" after your retreat (paint the picture of your retreat experience as well as you can).

This email is one I recommend you take the time to hone in on. What you need to craft this email:

  • A clearly defined retreat promise

  • A clearly defined ideal retreat client

Pro-tip: The Retreat Promise information is also essential to have as front and center on your Retreat Sales Page. 

"The Social Proof Email"

This email is one I see retreat leaders have the most resistance with. Maybe it's because they don't want to feel like they are bragging or boasting. 

This email is essential because it provides the social proof your potential attendees need to decide to join your retreat. 

If you know a bit about marketing, you know you need social proof and testimonials when you ask people to purchase something from you. It can make a huge difference in your retreat marketing!

In your Social Proof Email, you can include the following:

  • A bit about yourself and your story

  • Your Why - why you are hosting this retreat

  • 2-3 client testimonials in the form of text or video

Pro-tip: If you don't have retreat-specific testimonials because it is your first time planning a retreat, you can add testimonials from your other services (workshops, events, classes, etc.) so that people can get an idea of what it is to work with you. 

"The Features Email" 

This is the email most people think of when they want to send a promo email about their retreat.

The Features Email is the email that contains all the juicy information of your retreat, including:

  • Theme

  • Location

  • Accommodation

  • Food

  • Extra Activities 

  • Travel info 

This email can be broken down into 2-3 emails if you find your content and copy is too long for a single email.

I want to challenge you to write this email as if you are truly painting the picture of your retreat experience so your readers can transport themselves there. Tell the story of your retreat, highlighting details you know people will appreciate and love. 

Pro-tip: add a mix of high-quality images and/or video from your venue or location. Ask your retreat center to provide you with this content if possible.

Last but not least, all of your emails should include a Call To Action (CTA).

This is the phrase with a link to sign up along the lines of, "are you ready to join me? Sign up here!" Always ensure you add the link to your retreat sales and registration pages throughout your emails. Make it easy and straightforward for people to take action!